Is the precinct plan and related commercial site proposal focused on locals or tourists?

    The precinct plan includes a range of attractions and activities suitable for the local community which are, no doubt, of interest to visitors as well. 

    The commercial area is just one element of the broader vision for the Western Foreshore Leisure Precinct, the plan for which is available on for review and consultation.

    How will Council ensure the community consultation and any future development on this site incorporates diverse community voices and be culturally sensitive?

    As part of its engagement and consultation plan, the City is directly consulting with the Mandurah Access and Inclusion Advisory Group, the Youth Advisory Group, the Mandurah Environment Advisory Group, local resident associations, the RSLs, and the Peel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, among others. 

    As part of the Mandurah Waterfront Project redevelopment work, the City has had ongoing engagement with local Elders, and that has extended into the plans for the Western Foreshore Leisure Precinct.

    How has the war memorial factored into the precinct plan?

    The City continues to liaise with the local RSL groups in the development of the Western Foreshore Leisure Precinct Plan and early feedback has been incorporated into the plan. This includes wide footpaths to accommodate marches, increased lighting, and parking.

    If I support the precinct plan, does that mean I support the current commercial site business plan proposal?

    Council is seeking feedback on both the Western Foreshore Leisure Precinct Plan and the Western Foreshore Commercial Site Business Plan. These are separate, but related, consultations and the community is invited to provide feedback in relation to the overarching plan for the precinct as well as the specific proposal for the commercial site within this precinct.

More FAQ's Western Foreshore Leisure Precinct

    Why do we need a precinct plan for this area and why now?

    This area has a long history of recreation and leisure, enjoyed by generations of locals and visitors. In 2018, the City conducted significant community engagement as part of the Mandurah Waterfront redevelopment project. Since then, significant key community infrastructure and facilities have been delivered in line with the community vision for this area, including the adventure playground and the skate park, adding to the incredible war memorial and new traffic bridge.

    The Precinct Plan has been developed to incorporate all the enhancements made in recent years, as well as additional opportunities for the Western Foreshore, reflecting community values and needs. This overarching view will guide decision-makers of today and in the future to make considered and values-based decisions for this area, so it continues to deliver to community expectations

    Will we lose green space because of this plan?

    The extensive green space area behind the skate park and adventure playground, currently used by the community for passive recreation and for a range of regular and ad-hoc events, will be maintained and further enhanced as a wide, open, ‘Village Green’ 

    It is proposed that some areas of current existing green space at the top end near the war memorial and bottom end, near Mary Street, would be used to create additional parking areas to accommodate increasing numbers of visitors to this area. These areas are marked on the map available on

    What parking plans and traffic management is proposed?

     The Western Foreshore Leisure Precinct Plan includes increasing public parking from 179 to 381 bays. Overflow parking will be available during peak times. 

    Minor road network improvements will be part of the ongoing assessment as visitation increases. Traffic modelling has shown that minor road network improvements in the area, including at the intersection of Mary Street and Leighton Place, would accommodate traffic flow in peak periods