Western Foreshore Recreation Precinct
Eastern Foreshore North Boardwalk Precinct
Eastern Foreshore South Precinct
Smart Street Precinct
What is the background to the Smart Street and City Centre Waterfront projects?
In April to May, 2018 the City invited the Community to be involved in shaping the vision for the City Centre Waterfront area including the Eastern Foreshore Reserve (from the Boardwalk Precinct to the Bridge) and the Western Foreshore Reserves, including foreshore areas to the north and south of the Bridge, under the Bridge and Hall Park. The Community was asked to share what they love about the foreshore spaces, identify opportunities for improvements and prioritise the areas that most require change. This phase of Community Engagement did not include Smart Street Mall, however, contributors took the opportunity to share their thoughts regarding the area and it was evident that Smart Street Mall was a community priority for improvements. The summary report for this Phase 1 City Centre Waterfront Engagement process is accessible from mandurahmatters.com.au/city-centre-waterfront.
The community consultation and stakeholder engagement process to date have set the focus areas and direction for planning, design and on-ground works in the City Centre Waterfront from now until 2021, aligned with available funding. The concept plans have been prepared using a place-based design and activation approach which has informed the infrastructure upgrade proposals. The proposals will contribute towards making Mandurah a loved destination for locals and visitors with a vibrant and sustainable City Centre business and creative economy.
Concept design has progressed over these four priority precincts with a view to progress to detailed design and delivery of projects in line with available funding commitments;
Are the upgrade proposals funded?
The Mandurah Foreshore Redevelopment, which is a city-led project, has had $10 million committed by the state government as part of its Plan for Peel. The aim of this project is to deliver an iconic Mandurah foreshore precinct that supports local tourism and local jobs. Additional funding contributions to deliver the projects and continue the redevelopment of the City’s waterfront spaces are also being sought.
What about the vision to Foreshore Focus 2020 set for these places?
Previous planning and visioning for the City Centre Waterfront has been done through the Mandurah Foreshore Focus 2020 Master Plan prepared in 2007. The project area was broader than the City Centre, extending from Roberts Point, Halls Head along western edge to the Estuary traffic bridge and returning along the eastern side to the former Peninsula Hotel site and the Marina. The plan was developed through a community engagement process that included community reference groups and wider community.
Since the Mandurah Foreshore Focus 2020 was prepared two significant infrastructure projects have been implemented in the City Centre Waterfront area:
• 2016/17: New seawall and walkways constructed along Eastern Foreshore Reserve and reserve area extended up to 20m wider and grassed.
• 2016-18: Replacement of the old ‘Mandurah Bridge’ with new four lane bridge with separate wide pedestrian access, fishing platforms, decorative and functional lighting and surrounding landscape treatments.
With the completion of these significant projects, and changes to the foreshore spaces, the framework was set to continue upgrades in these significant public spaces and update the Community’s vision.
Hasn’t the Eastern Foreshore already been upgraded?
The Eastern Foreshore Reserve has recently been extended (10-20m) and a new seawall constructed with pedestrian walkways adjacent to it. The extension has created additional grassed area along the water’s edge, upgraded beach areas and additional seating and amenity. The height if the new seawall has been designed with consideration for future sea level rises and can be raised with an additional row of blocks in the future. A secondary rear wall prevents the Eastern Foreshore Reserve from inundation during high tides and provides a seating edge.
The proposed upgrades to the Eastern Foreshore to not require changes to the recently constructed sea-wall. The concept prepared for the Eastern Foreshore South Precinct does include proposed modification to the groyne and existing jetties to facilitate construction of the circular floating jetty.
What are the proposed changes to the existing Jetty Infrastructure in the Eastern Foreshore South Precinct?
The proposal includes removing the existing fixed timber ‘Town Jetty’ (near beach area) and upgrading the ‘Government Jetty’ (Near ‘Bay Café’, previously ‘The Tea and Merchant’) to provide additional floating boat births. Opportunities to provide additional boat mooring areas within the City Centre Waterfront area will also be explored south of the Bridge (Dalrymple Reserve area) and Mandjar Bay. Upgrade proposals that extend into the water space are subject to further consultation and approvals from stakeholders and State Government including Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Department of Transport and Department of Water.
Can boat access be provided on Western Foreshore?
The shallow water depths on the Western Foreshore, north of Bridge are not conducive to providing boat access without dredging. Dredging requires excavating sediments from the seabed to keep waterways navigable. The process has environmental and cultural impacts. Once dredging is required, it is an on-going and costly management process. Further investigation into potential locations and implications of providing boat access and mooring will be explored but boat infrastructure on the Western side will not be funded as part of this stage of the project. Upgrade proposals that extend into the water space are subject to further consultation and approvals from stakeholders and State Government agencies.
Is lighting proposed for the Eastern Foreshore waterfront walkway?
Yes. Lights will be installed along the Eastern Foreshore water edge path from the ‘Dome Café’ to the south beach area this 2018-19 financial year. New functional and feature lighting will also be installed as part of the proposed priority area upgrades.
What are the proposed changes to parking?
To service the Western Foreshore there is a an existing parking area near the War Memorial and King’s Carnival (90 bays) that can be accessed from Leighton Place. The car park on the south side of the bridge has recently been upgraded and capacity increased (80 bays) with access off the Mary Street roundabout. The parking area between the existing Western Foreshore toilets and bridge has recently been removed. Two new parking areas (approximately 40 bays with drop-off/pick-up areas and bus parking) are proposed to service the Western Foreshore public recreation area. The over 200 bays (existing and proposed) on the Western Foreshore are also located within less than 1km from the City Centre, a less than 10 minute moderate walk, so these parking areas can also service City Centre and Eastern Foreshore destinations.
The Eastern Foreshore Precinct Concept plan proposes the removal of some parking bays on west side of Mandurah Tce to improve the connection between Smart Street and the Foreshore, pedestrian access along the west side of Mandurah Terrace and the conditions for significant heritage trees. Two options have been prepared. Option A proposes a reduction of 15 bays from current situation. Option B results in a reduction of 8 bays from current situation. Maintaining existing parking space whilst trying to create space for improved pedestrian connections, access and experience is challenging. Amendments to parking in Precinct requires identifying alternative parking options in City Centre within close proximity to activity nodes. This component of the plan in is consistent with the City Centre Parking Strategy with regard to embracing an urban form for the City Centre based on walking, cycling and slower vehicle speeds. In order to implement this it will require upgrades to the accessibility to existing parking (approximately 350 on street and on site bays within a 2.5 to 3 minute walk to the site and adjoining restaurants). The walking experience, signage, lighting and accessibility require improvements to ensure that bays is seamless to contribute to an improved City Centre.
The existing Commercial Lease Areas were identified by the Community as a high priority for upgrade. What is proposed?
Existing Commercial Leases (King’s Carnival and ‘Kayaks for U’) on Western Foreshore expire 2021. Planning for future mixed-use lease areas and development options for the Western Foreshore will be undertaken to facilitate the development of this area and provide enhanced public and commercial attractions for example; cultural attractions, leisure amusements and activities, food/drink/retail outlets. The extent and footprint of land-based and over-water development and activities will be determined to facilitate expressions of interest process for this opportunity. Future Foreshore developments will incorporate high-quality architectural design that takes advantage of the waterfront location, public toilet facilities, public pedestrian access, spaces and view corridors to water between built form. As a result, concept design will be progressed for this space during 2019.
How is the project being funded?
The Waterfront project has been jointly funded by the Federal and State government and the City of Mandurah. This is the culmination of the Waterfront Project which will ultimately see a total of $22 million dollars invested into the upgrade of these key public open spaces in our region.
Will there be less parking?
The current parking area will lose a small number of bays to enable safe accessible access from the Visitor’s Centre area to the Eastern Foreshore. The current, narrow paved area is not accessible with many level changes. The upgrade is an opportunity create a greater alfresco area and a clear, safe path connection along the foreshore. The number of car park bays will reduce by approximately six from the existing car park. The proposed car park design will include the addition of a drop off/pickup area.
Where will patrons for businesses adjacent to the north area carpark, park during the construction stage?
Parking during the construction stage alterative parking is available in Hackett Street and the Mewburn Centre Car Park on Sholl Street. On weekends the City’s Administration Building Ca Park will be made available to the public. Sutton Street Hall car park is often underutilised on weekends on the corner of Sutton and Gibson Streets.
Why is the playground being replaced?
The proposed upgrade of the playground will provide a greater range of play opportunities with an emphasis on accessible and inclusive play.
Why is the liberty swing being removed?
A new, more inclusive swing component is proposed for the play area to increase opportunities for connected.
Are there any toilet facilities proposed
The existing toilet block on the Eastern Foreshore is being replaced in mid-late 2023. No additional toilets are currently being proposed for the Eastern Foreshore North-Central area however, there are currently new toilet facilities upcoming for the South Precinct and toilets currently exist immediately to the north of this precinct zone. There will be the provision will be made for the possible future inclusion of toilet facilities around the new playground area should this be required at a later time.
Are there any ‘water play’ facilities proposed?
Water park facilities and water play elements have been on the ‘wish list’ of a number of participants contributing ideas for the Waterfront Project. While these facilities are fun and valued by users, they require a high level of maintenance and management and can have potential health risks. They also use potable water resources. Fresh, clean water is a limited resource and the City of Mandurah is committed to sustainable water management practices. The Estuary Pool and associated Foreshore beach provides an opportunity for people to interact and play with the natural estuary water body. The draft concept design for the Eastern foreshore North-Central does not include any built ‘water play’ elements.
What picnic facilities are to be provided?
The design includes picnic tables, shelters and barbecues.
What are the path connections?
A dual use path is proposed for the Mandurah Terrace side of the Foreshore and the option of the path along the water’s edge remains unchanged. Smaller paths will connect play components within the play area.
What is the purpose of the central grass area?
The grass area will provide a space for picnics, passive recreation and wide community use. It is also an adaptable space that can be used for events.
What is the events space?
The recent improvements at the southern end of the foreshore has upgraded that area as an events space and the new central grass area will also be suitable for small music events, performance and festivals. There will be service provision for a demountable stage so the space can be adapted from a passive recreation space to an events space.