Street Tree Masterplan Planting

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2024 Planting - Dudley Park

Based on the values identified by the local community, we are excited to commence the next Street Tree Masterplan planting in Dudley Park. See which addresses are included in the planting in the Street Tree Planting Map.

Thank you to all who have chosen trees for your verges. Your trees are now on their way and will be planted within the first two weeks of June. Approximately 1 week before planting, the tree’s position will be marked out on your verge.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your tree, contact the City at

2024 Planting - Dudley Park

Based on the values identified by the local community, we are excited to commence the next Street Tree Masterplan planting in Dudley Park. See which addresses are included in the planting in the Street Tree Planting Map.

Thank you to all who have chosen trees for your verges. Your trees are now on their way and will be planted within the first two weeks of June. Approximately 1 week before planting, the tree’s position will be marked out on your verge.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your tree, contact the City at or 9550 3777 before 24 May 2024.

Thank you for taking part and supporting a healthy and diverse environment in Mandurah.

The City has chosen trees for the verges in the area which are best suited to the environmental conditions and benefits of trees you have told us matter to you. Each species has its own benefits such as beautiful flowers, wildlife-attracting, shade-providing, or all of these!

Your trees will take be planted during the winter planting season.

What is the Street Tree Masterplan?

Street trees and green verges provide shade and cool our city, they make our neighbourhoods more beautiful, contribute to better health for our community and are food and home for our native wildlife (because native wildlife needs to be able to move around our city too!).

The Street Tree Masterplan is an outline of the important role trees play in enhancing our verges and road reserves. It aims to improve the current and future canopy cover throughout the city. To choose where trees should go we consider criteria such as:

  • hardiness to disease and pests
  • stormwater collection
  • aesthetic value
  • streetscape character
  • habitat for local species
  • community appreciation
  • whether the species is native

This plan is for all new plantings, areas for subdivision, and current verges. This is only considered for new species, and we will not remove current trees unless they pose a threat.

In each precinct, the community has told us they care about the benefits of trees and which of these benefits matters most to them. This was a crucial factor in the creation of the Street Tree Masterplan and the unique species chosen for each area.

For more information on the project please contact the City at 9550 3777 or

2023 Planting - Madora Bay

In 2023, we completed our second annual street tree masterplan planting in Madora Bay, with approximately 200 trees planted in residential and park verges. Thank you to all residents that chose to have a tree planted this year.

2022 Planting - Coodanup

In 2022, we completed our first street tree planting to follow the Street Tree Masterplan in one precinct of Coodanup. 53 street trees were chosen by our community and planted on verges around the Steerforth Dr area.

As part of a community event, we invited all residents to join in planting their tree and their neighbours, as well as taking part in the National Tree Day event at nearby Duverney Park.

Congratulations to all residents that chose a street and helped make their neighbourhood a shadier, more wildlife-friendly and beautiful place to live by getting involved in the project.

  • Please complete this electronic form to choose your street tree species or to opt-out of having a street tree on your verge.

    Complete Form
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete this electronic form to choose your street tree species or to opt-out of having a street tree on your verge.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete this electronic form to choose your street tree species or to opt-out of having a street tree on your verge.

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Page last updated: 19 Apr 2024, 11:14 AM