Proposed Day Hospital - 42-52 & 54-64 Lakes Road

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Consultation has concluded

The City has received an application for the development of a proposed day surgery and associated works.

Stage 1 consists of:

  • Three theatre rooms and one procedure room;
  • Pre‑operation room, recovery lounge and recovery rooms;
  • Car parking area

Stage 2 consists of a second storey accommodating a surgical ward with beds.

At full build the development will accommodate up to 45 staff at peak period and operate 24 hours per day, seven days a week. The estimated cost of development is $24.6 million, meaning that the proposal qualifies as a 'mandatory application' in accordance with the Development Assessment Panel Regulations 2011 and as such will be determined by the Joint Development Assessment Panel, rather than Council. The City of Mandurah assesses the application and provides a recommendation to the Joint Development Assessment Panel for determination.

The following information is available for viewing via the "Documents" link on this page:

  • Development Plans
  • Planning Report


The Metro Outer DAP Agenda has now been released and is available on the DAP website. The meeting is scheduled as follows:

Date: 29 May 2024

Time: 9.30am

Venue: Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage

140 William Street, Perth

To participate in the meeting electronically, please use the following link: When logging in, please ensure your screen name reads as Full Name (Company), so that you are easily identifiable.

Presentation Requests

  • To make a presentation to the DAP, please complete the attached Presentation Request Template and email it to the DAP Secretariat.
  • The request is to be submitted at least 3 days prior to the DAP meeting.

The City has received an application for the development of a proposed day surgery and associated works.

Stage 1 consists of:

  • Three theatre rooms and one procedure room;
  • Pre‑operation room, recovery lounge and recovery rooms;
  • Car parking area

Stage 2 consists of a second storey accommodating a surgical ward with beds.

At full build the development will accommodate up to 45 staff at peak period and operate 24 hours per day, seven days a week. The estimated cost of development is $24.6 million, meaning that the proposal qualifies as a 'mandatory application' in accordance with the Development Assessment Panel Regulations 2011 and as such will be determined by the Joint Development Assessment Panel, rather than Council. The City of Mandurah assesses the application and provides a recommendation to the Joint Development Assessment Panel for determination.

The following information is available for viewing via the "Documents" link on this page:

  • Development Plans
  • Planning Report


The Metro Outer DAP Agenda has now been released and is available on the DAP website. The meeting is scheduled as follows:

Date: 29 May 2024

Time: 9.30am

Venue: Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage

140 William Street, Perth

To participate in the meeting electronically, please use the following link: When logging in, please ensure your screen name reads as Full Name (Company), so that you are easily identifiable.

Presentation Requests

  • To make a presentation to the DAP, please complete the attached Presentation Request Template and email it to the DAP Secretariat.
  • The request is to be submitted at least 3 days prior to the DAP meeting.